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We just got back from the 66th international ALPCA (Automobile License Plate Collectors Association) convention in Covington, West Virginia.  Of course, there were only a few international collectors there this year……mainly from Canada, I think. It was terrific to gather with collectors/friends whom we had not seen for two years because of last year’s convention […]

ALPCA 2021

The 66th Annual International Automobile License Plate Collectors Association (ALPCA) Convention will take place August 4th-7th in Covington, Kentucky. This is an ALPCA member-only event.

1929 Alabama and 1948 New Mexico License plates

This week the 1929 Alabama and 1948 New Mexico License plates are the current winners of oue Boyd weekly ebay auction popularity contest. Both are tough plates to find in reasonable condition from southern states. The 1948 New Mexico plate ( has 27 Watchers and the 1929 Alabama ( has 20 Watchers. It is interesting […]

1940 Texas and 1944 New Mexico license plates

We received a question on the 1969 Maine Dealer license plate this week  ( Question: “I’ve never seen this license plate base. Do you have information on what the SV designation meant? Snowmobile dealer?” According to Tom: “The ALPCA Archives shows a plate just like it, number 400, with both 1969 and 1970 stickers. It […]