Tom has been actively collecting plates since the late 1970s, but plate watching has always been in his blood as a natural extension of a love of automobiles and numbers. Colorado plates are his primary collecting interest. He’d love to have your help with filling in some of his collection holes. Check out his Want List for specific needs. Tom joined the Automobile License Plate Collectors Association (ALPCA) in 1982 and has been active at both the international and local level. He served as Vice President of ALPCA for one year and was Editor of ALPCA’s magazine for 3 ½ years. Locally, Tom was Secretary/Treasurer of Rocky Mountain Regional chapter of ALPCA for forty years. Tom has co-authored three books on license plates.
Tom is now retired, and he and Margaret have teamed up to sell expired plates on eBay using the eBay ID of LicpL8s. We sometimes buy collections or accumulations of license plates that complement our current inventory. Let us know if you have something to sell. The best part of these activities has been the opportunity to meet and share information with fellow collectors from all over the world. We know plates pretty well and work hard to provide you with top service. Enjoy!
Tom and Margaret
Contact us at